Homeopathy is a therapy method developed more than 200 years ago by the doctor, pharmacist and chemist Dr. Samuel Hahnemann was developed.
The basic principle of homeopathy is the treatment of diseases according to the principle of similars.
Samuel Hahnemann derived the name of his new healing method - homeopathy - from the Greek homoios = similar and pathos = suffering. Literally translated, homeopathy means “similar suffering”.
Homeopathy is based on 3 basic principles:
1. the principle of similars
2. drug testing on healthy people
3. potentization
Homeopathy and (Homeopathic Remedies/Homeopathic Medicines) is a gentle, holistic system of healing, suitable for all ages, from newborns, infants and babies, expecting mothers, and generally the young and old.
Homeopathy is called an holistic approach because it is a medical system teaching that the whole patient must be taken into consideration to effectively treat him/her for whatever he/she may be suffering from.
It is a natural healing process, providing remedies to assist the patient to regain positive health by stimulating the body's own natural forces of recovery.
In its current form, homeopathy is based on three principles, which are:
The word Homeopathy comes from Latin, homeo meaning 'same', pathos meaning 'illness.' It is a system that has been recognised for over 250 years now and is a method of stimulating the body to heal itself.
This teaching has in fact been around since the time of Hippocrates. Hippocrates is often referred to as the father of medicine, and lived 400 BC.
Many of Hippocrates discoveries are still being practiced in the world of medicine today - especially in the world of Homeopathy and Biochemic Medicine.
Hippocrates taught that diseases came from natural causes. His knowledge came from observing many patients and carefully recording their symptoms and the way their illnesses developed. He would look at the color of the skin, and how the eyes looked. He would look for fevers and chills. He told his students to carefully observe their patients and to learn from the things they had observed. He said that the human body could heal itself and could return itself to good health.
Thus, in real terms, this system of medicine we know as Homeopathy has in actual fact been around for over 2,400 years, it's nothing new, but it is now more highly refined and adjusted to fit into the illnesses and diseases of the 21st century.
It was however the German physician Dr. Samuel Hahnemann who is credited with its development as a viable medical practice.
In 1815 Samuel Hahnemann wrote:
"Our art requires no political lever, no worldly decorations in order to become something. It grows gradually, at first unrecognized, surrounded as it were by all manner of weeds which luxuriate around it, from an insignificant acorn to a sapling, soon its summit will overtop the rank weeds.
Patience! It is striking deep its roots into the earth, it is increasing in strength imperceptibly but all the more surely and will in its own time grow into an oak of God, which no longer is shaken by storms, spreads out its branches into all regions that suffering mankind may be healed under its beneficent shade."