Messages of Appreciation
Charles Tankard Hahnemann
4th Great Grandson of Dr. Christian Friedrich Samuel Hahnemann
Founder of Homeopathy

"Dear Atiq,
As a direct descendant of the founder of Homeopathy, Dr. Samuel Hahnemann, I wish to extend my best wishes to you for your efforts in promoting the benefits of Homeopathy.
I am pleased to note that you are a 4th generation Homeopath and commend you and your family for this tremendous commitment to Homeopathy and its practice.
I am delighted to know that Homeopathy has a place on radio now with your Homeopathy Health Show on UK Health Radio, and sincerely hope that it continues to provide a solid educational platform for people around the world who wish to utilize Homeopathy.
The standards set by Dr. Samuel Hahnemann over 200 years ago are just as important as they were at that time, and to know them thoroughly and continue with research is of paramount importance for the future of Homeopathy and Homeopathic Practitioners.
I wish you well and look forward to your continued success in Homeopathy and your radio show."
Charles Tankard Hahnemann
Frans Vermeulen
Homeopath, Researcher, Author of Homeopathic Materia Medica

“Dear Atiq,
I am pleased to note that you are presenting the Homeopathy Health show on UK Health Radio and sharing knowledge on this subject through radio and podcast.
Education in Homeopathy is of paramount importance in providing a strong foundation and understanding of this subject matter, coupled with practical working knowledge and skills.
You have shared with me that one of your objectives for the show is to have Homeopaths come on and talk about their insight and experiences of Homeopathy. This is a good objective and will help impart varied knowledge from those in the field, to students and professionals alike.
I wish you continued success in your professional practice and in your Homeopathy Health radio show.”
Frans Vermeulen
Camilla Sherr PCH, FSHom
Foundering Director, Homeopathy for Health in Africa
President, Finnish Society of Homeopaths

"Please tune in to the Homeopathy Health show on UK Health Radio.
Atiq does such an important job at bringing Homeopathy to the wider public!
I am so happy to see the show providing a dedicated platform for Homeopaths from around the world to come and offer their insight and talk about their experiences.
I wish you continued success in your work."
Camilla Sherr
Hermann Keppler, N.D.
Founder and Principal, College of Naturopathic Medicine

"Dear Atiq,
Thank you for having me on the Homeopathy Health show.
It was an absolute pleasure and honour.
Let me congratulate UK Radio for all it is doing, bringing good news to its public, offering real solutions to health problems people have.
I commend the enthusiasm and dedication you have Atiq on promoting Homeopathy around the world, contributing to make the world a better place to live
My best wishes to you, one Homeopath to another, and for your continued success.”
Hermann Keppler
Colin Griffith HMA, MCH
Homeopath, Lecturer, Bestselling Author

"The Homeopathy Health Show throws a light on the human face of homeopathy by engaging personally with those who practise it.
Through the simple means of conversation, this healing art is animated and enlivened so that anyone searching for vibrant health can begin their personal journey of recovery; the recovery of constitutional well-being.
The kaleidoscope of characters and personalities encountered on the show serves to illustrate just how diverse the world of homeopathy is. This, in turn, is encouraging to any and everyone that there is a source of healing for each individual.
Long may the show run; and run in its gentle, unhurried manner of presentation...which is undoubtedly fostered by Atiq with his probing questions and quite obvious passion for the whole art of healing through homeopathic energy: the physics of medicine.
Thank you so much for asking me onto your show. I should be delighted to make a return visit whenever you might feel it appropriate.”
Colin Griffith
Neil & Pat O'Keefe
Founders of the Homeopathic Book Company

"Thank you for inviting us onto the Homeopathy Health Show.
It was a real pleasure speaking with you about The Homeopathic Book Company, how our online bookstore developed and how we aim to support the homeopathic community of authors, colleges, students and practicing homeopaths.
We are full of admiration for the work you do in making homeopathy more accessible as a real and effective healthcare compliment to allopathic treatment.
It is so refreshing to see your approach of having guests on the show in the field of Homeopathy and healing - we feel this is crucial in really bringing Homeopathy to life for people who are interested in learning more about it.
We send our best wishes to you and your family and wish you continued success with this undertaking.”
Neil & Pat O'Keefe